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Ayurvedic Medicine for Arthritis
Ayurvedic Medicine for Arthritis
Ayurvedic Medicine for Arthritis

Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes – All Inclusive Packages

From 3290 AED
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1. Overview

Diabetes is difficult to live with. According to Ayurveda, a few holistic lifestyle and dietary changes coupled with some natural medications can help you manage your diabetic condition and bring a significant change to your overall well being. Connect with Arabiers to know more details about the Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes – All Inclusive Package and experience this healthy difference.

2. Planning an Ayurveda Treatment with Arabiers

Diabetes, one of the common health issues with no age barriers, is a challenging medical condition to prevent and manage. However, Ayurveda is recognized by the majority as a medical option providing well satisfying solutions for diabetes. Opt for an Ayurvedic treatment for your diabetes condition with Arabiers and experience the difference.

Collecting Medical Reports

as the first step, our Arabiers team will request you to submit some medical reports. The type of medical reports you need to submit, depends on your medical condition

Reviewing Your Reports and Providing Feedback

after the submission of the medical reports we will forward them to our Ayurvedic consultant for reference. We will forward you the feedback on your medical reportss.

Initial Online Consultation

if you wish to continue with the feedback you receive, we will arrange an online consultation session with one of the Ayurvedic experts. The doctor will ask for more information related to your diabetes condition.

Preparing and Starting the Treatment Plan

post your online consultation session we will start preparing your Ayurvedic treatment plan with the instructions of the doctor. You will have to notify our team about your availability to visit Sri Lanka for treatments

Making Payments to Arabiers to Confirm the Package

Once your treatment package is prepared we will forward it to you. If you are still interested you can make the payment to confirm the package

Arrive in Sri Lanka

we will confirm your package as soon as you make the payment. Now all you got to do is reserve your flight on the dates mentioned and come to Sri Lanka

Transfer to the Ayurvedic Hospital

we will meet you and greet you at the airport. A private vehicle will be arranged to transfer you to the hospital

Starting the Treatment Plan and Daily Routine

starting from Day One you are guided on the way how you are going to spend the upcoming days at the hospital. You will receive your personalized treatment plan and a daily routine, including meals, treatment timings, yoga, meditation sessions, etc to plan your day accordingly.

Final Consultation

you will receive daily examinations to analyse your progress. Also you will have a final consultation session in which you will be further checked for your overall health progress

Holistic Lifestyle Guide for Post – Treatment Care

before leaving the hospital the attendants in charge will educate you on how you must continue with the healing process at home. They will give the required lifestyle guidance for post – treatment care

3. Introducing the Package for Diabetes

Diabetes, one of the most common health conditions, has affected over 10 per cent of the adult population in the world. It is a very challenging health condition that can eventually affect your eating choices. Also over time diabetes may cause damage to the cardio – vascular health, nervous system, feet and kidneys as well.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is caused due to an imbalance in the doshas, especially the Kapha Dosha. Such imbalances cause disruptions in the natural flow of the body, thereby leading to various health issues. Such health issues include diabetes. For instance, when Kapha increases in the body it causes weight gain and low metabolism, eventually leading to increased sugar levels. That is diabetes. Also an increase in Pitta Dosha can cause impaired insulin function and inflammation in the body, leading eventually to diabetes.

Accordingly Ayurveda identifies 20 types of diabetes-four types of diabetes occur due to Vata Dosha, six types occur because of Pitta Dosha and ten types of diabetes occur due to Kapha Dosha.

Diabetes, luckily, is preventable and reversible. With the right type of herbal medications, Panchakarma treatment and with lifestyle and diet changes, diabetes is treatable. With our all inclusive treatment package for diabetes, we make sure to offer holistic, natural treatments. Our goal is to eliminate your diabetes condition and support you in maintaining your overall well being.

4. Diabetes Ayurveda Treatment – All inclusive Package

  • Consultation and diagnosis
  • Full – board accommodation
  • Guided yoga and meditation
  • Ayurvedic diet and treatments
  • Daily examination
  • Air conditioned room
  • Swimming pool and gym facilities
  • Airport transfers
  • Sight – seeing tours

5. Recommended Treatments-Diabetes

The hospital prescribes two treatments per day for each patient suffering from diabetes-one treatment during the morning hours and the other during the evening hours. The type of treatment you receive may differ, depending on your medical condition.

6. Suitable for Individuals

  • Suffering from Type - 1 diabetes
  • Suffering from type - 2 diabetes

7. Ayurvedic Treatments are NOT Suitable for

  • Elderly people
  • Infants
  • Severely weak individuals
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals allergic to Ayurvedic medicine and drugs

9. Ayurvedic Diet for Diabetes

Ayurvedic diet for diabetes patients focuses on the reduction of blood sugar spikes. Diabetes patients, usually, are advised to rely on a diet that can improve their insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. With that said a balanced diet is one of the key solutions to improve overall health and long term well being.

Here are some general Ayurvedic dietary guidelines that diabetic patients must follow :

  • Include herbs and natural ingredients like fenugreek seeds, bitter gourd, barley into your daily life
  • Consuming whole, natural food rich in essential nutrients and those should be chemical free
  • Include food options rich with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber
  • Consume less sugary foods
  • Avoid oily and spicy foods as much as possible
  • Include whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds in all your meals
  • Take regular meals at consistent times to support digestion and this promotes your metabolism

Following such dietary procedures can help you manage your arthritis symptoms naturally, therefore promoting long – term well being and physical comfort.

10. Ayurvedic Lifestyle practices for Diabetes

A balanced life is the prime motive of Ayurvedic lifestyle practices. Committing your time to engage in such practices support in your overall health and long term well being.

Below are some general Ayurvedic lifestyle practices we can recommend to prevent yourself from diabetes :

  • Following a dosha specific diet that is favourable for diabetic conditions
  • Engaging in regular exercises like yoga or walking to improve blood circulation and in digestion
  • Incorporating stress management techniques like meditation and breathing exercises
  • Eat at regular times and have enough sleep