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Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin Diseases
Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin Diseases
Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin Diseases

Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin Diseases – All Inclusive Package

From 3290 AED
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1. Overview

Skin diseases have no age limits and the harm caused by skin diseases may vary from one another as well. Therefore, we, at Arabiers have tailored a package for anybody visiting Sri Lanka to try the most effective Ayurveda medicine for skin diseases for reasonable rates. Once you finish your initial consultation session, all you got to do is pack your luggage and come to Sri Lanka. Arabiers will take care of the rest.

2. How to Plan an Ayurvedic Treatment with Arabiers

Planning an Ayurvedic treatment with Arabiers is simple. The process includes only a few stress free steps from your end, and our Arabiers will do the rest for you.

Below are the steps in order to plan your Ayurvedic treatment with Arabiers :

Collecting Medical Reports

Depending on the skin disease and requirement, the client will be requested to collect medical reports

Reviewing Client’s Reports and Providing Feedback

Medical reports submitted by the client will be shared with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor. Depending on the results of the medical reports, the client will be provided with feedback about the kind of treatment required

Initial Online Consultation

The client will have to connect online for an online consultation session. More details related to your skin diseases, such as your medical history and family medical history will be asked during this consultation session

Preparing and Starting the Treatment Plan

Depending on the outcome of the online consultation session, we will start preparing the client’s treatment plan. Depending on the time of the year the client can visit Sri Lanka, the duration the client will have to stay in Sri Lanka, and other details, Arabiers’ team will prepare the treatment plan for you

Making Payments to Arabiers to Confirm the Package

Once we prepare the treatment plan we will share it with you. The next step would be for you to make the required payment to confirm the Ayurvedic treatment package

Arriving at the Colombo Airport

After payment, we will prepare for your arrival at the Sri Lankan Airport

Transfer to the Ayurvedic Hospital

Once you arrive at the Colombo Airport, we will have a private vehicle arranged for you to provide your transfer to the Ayurvedic Hospital.

Starting the Treatment Plan and Daily Routine

After reaching our destination, you will be instructed and provided the required guidance with your Ayurvedic treatment plan. Also, you will be educated on the daily routine schedule of how you will spend your days in the Ayurvedic Hospital

Final Consultation

Other than the daily check- ups done during the days you receive treatment, at the end of your Ayurvedic treatment plan, you will be provided with a final consultation session with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor at the hospital

Receiving a holistic Lifestyle Guide for Post - Treatment Care

When considering Ayurvedic treatments, post – treatment care is very important for the healing process. Therefore, before you leave the hospital, you will be instructed and educated on maintaining a healthy lifestyle in order to receive the maximum benefit of the treatment

3. Introducing the Package for Skin Diseases

Skin is known to be the largest organ in the human body, making it one of the most important body parts in the human body. Since your skin acts as a protective layer of the entire body, any non – genetic or genetic skin diseases can severely harm your body’s health and wellbeing.

When referring to skin diseases in Ayurveda, the commonly used term in Ayurveda Samhitas is ‘Kushta Roga’. According to the beliefs of Ayurveda, a healthy and balanced diet results in curing and managing a variety of skin diseases. Also, Ayurveda treatments are one of the best curing solutions for skin diseases, such as Kitibha ( Psoriasis ), Shwithra ( Leukoderma/Vitiligo ), Vicharhika ( Eczema ), Kilasa ( Keloids), a variety of skin rashes, etc.

If you are suffering from any type of skin disease, opting for a customized Ayurvedic treatment package, including insightful guidance by expert Ayurvedic doctors will be the best solution. Your package will include a combination of hela wedakama and Ayurvedic principles to detoxify and eliminate the ingrained Doshas in your body.

4. Package Inclusions

  • Consultation and diagnosis
  • Full – board accommodation
  • Guided yoga and meditation
  • Ayurvedic diet and treatments
  • Daily examinations
  • Air conditioned room
  • Swimming pool and gym facilities
  • Airport transfer
  • Sight – seeing tours

5. Ayurvedic Treatments Available for Skin Diseases

Below are some of the Ayurvedic treatments provided for patients every morning and every evening. Depending on the skin disease the patient suffers from, the types of Ayurvedic treatment will differ from one patient to another.

All patients will only be provided two treatments per day.

  • Virechana ( Purgation )
  • Avagaha ( Herbal bath )
  • Pattu ( Herbal paste applying )
  • Parisheka ( Decoction pouring )
  • Rakta Mokshana ( Bloodletting )
  • Leach Therapy
  • Abyanga ( Massage )
  • Pichu ( Placing soaked linen )
  • Takra Dhara ( Medicated butter milk pouring )

6. Suitable for

  • Itching, scaling skin
  • Skin discolouration, dryness or oozing
  • Skin allergies
  • Hemorrhagic blood pressure (Raktapitta)
  • Leukoderma/ vitiligo (Svithra)
  • Burning skin condition
  • Acne
  • Eczema (Eczema Vicharchika)
  • Psoriasis (Kitibha)
  • Varicose ulcers
  • Alopecia (Indralupta)
  • Callus and cone
  • Dandruff

7. Not Suitable for

  • Elderly people
  • Infants
  • People suffering from acute severe diseases
  • Pregnant women
  • People allergic to ayurvedic medicines and drugs

9. Ayurvedic Diet for Skin Diseases

The nourishment of the skin within and balancing the doshas in the body, promoting healthy and clear skin is the main focus of an Ayurvedic diet for skin diseases. An Ayurvedic diet comprises fresh whole foods. Especially whole foods with cooling and hydrating properties- cucumber, leafy greens, pomegranates and melons – are included in an Ayurvedic diet.

Also, an Ayurvedic diet consider spices such as turmeric and coriander as important for their inflammatory and detoxifying effects. Avoiding processed foods, excess sugar, oily food and spicy food is a must in Ayurveda since such food choices can increase unfavourable skin conditions.

Ayurveda promotes drinking plenty of water and herbal teas as they support in flushing out toxins and in keeping your skin hydrated at all times. If you can strictly follow these dietary principles, you will be able to support your skin’s natural healing process, resulting in a healthy and radiant complexion.

10. Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices for Skin Diseases

The main focus of Ayurvedic lifestyle practices for skin diseases is achieving a balance within the body and maintaining peace of mind. Such practices can promote healthier and clearer skin. According to Ayurveda, a proper daily routine ( DInacharya ) of a human must include proper sleep, regular meals and gentle exercises like Yoga. Engaging in a gentle exercise like Yoga helps in improving blood circulation and detoxification.

When considering Ayurvedic lifestyle practices for skin diseases, stress management is very important. Stress can often worsen unfavourable skin conditions. Therefore, engaging in practices such as meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness is highly recommended.

Apart from the above – mentioned Ayurvedic practices, here are some other holistic practices that can help you in managing skin diseases and promoting overall wellness and inner harmony.

  • Daily self- massaging ( Abhyanga) with cooling and nourishing ingredients, such as coconut oil and neem to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation
  • Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated at all times
  • Drinking herbal teas to support our immune system to flush out toxins from the body
  • Avoiding exposure to harsh environmental conditions (excessive sun, polluted air)