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14 Day Ayurvedic Cleanse Oil Bath to Cleanse the Body

14 Day Ayurvedic Cleanse

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Written By Arabiers Digital & Reviewed by Robeena Brown

03 October 2024 | 12 min

Ayurveda treatment primarily works through diet and lifestyle. To cleanse your body therefore, you need to adjust and change your diet and lifestyle habits to healthier ones.

A 14 days ayurvedic cleanse allows you to reconnect with your naturals rhythms of nature and helps you to adopt healthy lifetime habits. The cleanse works by removing the accumulated toxins from your body and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and energetic.

About Ayurvedic Cleanse

Ayurvedic cleanse helps your body to heal from inside out. The treatment removes the toxins from the body from disease causing toxins and restores the normal bodily functions.

When you incorporate Ayurveda treatment to cleanse the body, you are assured of balanced rejuvenation for mind, body and the soul. This is because the cleanse uses natural, holistic and therapeutical techniques.

Cleansing removing any excess dosha in the body that is causing an imbalance. When the doshas are balanced, the body functions as it is supposed to and you achieve body and mind health.

Why a 14 day cleanse

A 14 days cleanse is rather a quick fix to remove toxins from the body. It is ideal for those who:

  • Want to lose weight
  • Reduce bloating
  • Want to stop sugar cravings
  • Want to get back to healthy eating
  • Want accountability to achieve body and mental stability goals
  • Suffering from moderate health issues like digestive problems, arthritis, constipation among others.
  • Have been taking prescription medicines for a long period.

Benefits of Cleansing

Here are the benefits of cleansing the body using Ayurveda practices:

  • Cleansing removes toxins from the body and helps restore the natural biochemistry of the body
  • It also improves the body metabolism that helps you to stay energetic
  • Massages offered during cleansing removes lactic acid from muscles and joints
  • Helps in balancing hormones
  • Improves the circulation of blood, concentration and memory
  • Restores appetite and improves your sleep quality

14 Days Ayurveda Cleanse

When you visit an Ayurveda physician for consultation, you will be prescribed the right treatment for you according to the condition of your body. They will also advice you on the cleansing methods to use.

There are steps into cleansing the body, including, preparation for cleansing, the actual cleansing and post cleansing care.

Preparation for cleansing involves observing a daily routine that focuses on observing a strict diet and lifestyle changes. This prepares the body by creating a new routine that removes toxins and nourishes the body.

After observing the daily routine, you may go for intense cleansing using Panchakarma therapies. The therapies treat illnesses like blood pressure, kidney stones and also arthritis.

What is the Daily Routine?

Below is the daily routine for a 14 days Ayurveda cleansing:

Morning Routine

  • You are required to wake up early, that is by 6.00 am
  • When you wake up drink a glass of warm water. Squeeze lemon juice into the water to stimulate the digestive tract.
  • After that, cleanse the sense organs starting with your tongue. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scrapper, wash your face and splash lukewarm water or organic rosewater in your eyes. Put a little warm sesame oil in each nostril and inside every ear.
  • Take a table spoon of coconut or sesame oil and pull it back and forth between your teeth for 20 minutes to strengthen the gums and also cleanse the mouth. Spit out the oil and then brush your teeth normally.
  • Sit in a quiet place for 15 minutes and meditate or just focus on breathing in and out.
  • Try exercising for 30 to 60 minutes; do an exercise that you enjoy.
  • After the exercise apply warm organic sesame oil to the whole body using long massage strokes on the long bones and circular strokes on the joints.
  • Take a shower, with no soap to rinse off the excess oil.
  • Take a healthy breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 am. The breakfast should contain local, organic and seasonal whole foods like eggs and vegetables.
  • Walk for 10 minutes after breakfast

Daytime Routine

  • Avoid taking snacks between breakfast and lunch but instead, opt to drink cumin, coriander and fennel tea between meals.
  • Eat a well-balanced lunch, and it should be the heaviest meal for the day. Take lunch between 11:30 and 1:30 pm which is the middle of pitta time when the digestive fire is at its strongest.
  • After lunch walk for 10 to 30 minutes and if you have time lie down on your left side for another 10 minutes to help in digestion.
  • Don’t take any snacks between lunch and dinner except for ginger tea or cumin coriander and fennel tea.
  • Keep on drinking warm water throughout the day and add lemon to the water if you want.

Evening Routine

  • Before you eat dinner, do some exercises like jogging, yoga or hiking.
  • Eat your dinner in a quiet environment between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. This should be the smallest meal of the day. 
  • If possible, walk for five to 30 minutes after taking dinner
  • Stay for at least two hours before going to bed after you eat dinner.
  • Shut all electronic devices one hour before you go to bed and finish off your evening with quite activities like meditation, writing or reading. 
  • Get in bed before 9:30 pm, switch off lights and sleep by 10:00 pm.
  • If you are experiencing insomnia take a cup of chamomile or passionflower tea before bed to help soothe your nerves for easy sleeping.

Deep Cleansing

You can adopt Panchakarma therapy for intense cleansing of the body in 14 days. These traditional therapies stimulate, exfoliate and stimulate your skin, muscles and body systems.

The five Panchakarma treatments that are used in deep cleansing are:

  • Nasya: This is cleansing of the five sense organs and the nervous system by administering herbs, oils or fumes through the nostrils.
  • Vamana: This is cleansing of the digestive system by medically induced vomiting to create a balance of kapha dosha.
  • Virechana: This is cleansing of intestines in stomach through medical induced purgation to balance pitta dosha in the body.
  • Basti: This is cleansing of the colon using hot oil massages or decoctions. 
  • Raktamochana: This is the cleansing of blood by removing small amounts of impure blood. 

You will not undergo all the five processes when you choose the 14 days cleansing program. Instead, depending on your age, the doshic imbalance in your body and your medical condition, the Ayurveda expert will decide on the therapy method that is appropriate for you.