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Common Reasons for Dubai Visa Rejection An Individual Rejected Visa Application Along With His/her Passport And Flight Ticket

Common Reasons for Dubai Visa Rejection

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Written By Arabiers Digital & Reviewed by Robeena Brown

22 May 2024 | 13 min read

Dubai is a dream destination for many people and therefore many people usually apply for the Dubai tourist visa. The application is submitted to the Dubai immigration who will review it and then approve it to allow you to enter the emirate.

However, not everyone who applies for the visa is lucky to be issued with one as some are rejected for several reasons that we will discuss in this guide.

What Does Dubai Visa Rejection Mean?

When you submit your Dubai visa application to the immigration, the officers there usually keenly look at your application and if they see any mistakes, they will not approve your application. Some people make some common mistakes that force the immigration to reject your application.

For the visa to be approved, every detail on the application must be correct and you should meet the requirements that are set by the immigration. If you don’t meet any of the requirements or do not submit all the documents that you are asked to, the immigration will have no other option than to reject your visa.

Although many do not take visa rejection lightly, the immigration has a job of ensuring that any person entering Dubai is qualified to be there and so if there is any loopholes or errors in your application, then it will not be successful.

What are the Reasons for Dubai Visa Rejection?

Below are the common reasons why your Dubai visa application gets rejected by the immigration:

1. Female travelers below 25

If you are a female and you are below 25 years and want to travel to Dubai alone, your visa application may be denied. This is because Dubai and the rest of the UAE does not allow females below that age to travel by themselves without their parents, guardian or companion.

The UAE is a Muslim country that puts high regard to morality and therefore women below 25 must be accompanied by their parents or relatives when travelling there. Otherwise, if you apply for the visa alone, it will be rejected on the basis that it is against the law.

2. Incorrect Documentation

One of the major reasons the immigration rejects most of the applications is if you submit documents that are incomplete. Look carefully through your documents, review them and make sure you submit all the documents that are needed. This includes a valid passport, passport sized photos of yourself that meets the specifications, your Dubai travel itinerary, proof of finances and an application form that is filled correctly.

3. Previous Visa Violation

The immigration does not entertain cases of visa violation or overstaying a visa so if you have such cases your visa application may get rejected. It is very important that you obey and follow all the visa rules and avoid overstaying visa so that you will not find yourself getting rejections when you apply for a new visa.

4. Criminal Records

When you submit an application, the Dubai authority usually does a thorough security check and if they find that you have a criminal record they will most likely reject your application. Criminal records include if you have ever committed fraud or has been reported for misconduct while in the UAE before.

You should therefore check your records in advance before applying for the visa to ensure you have clean records because the authorities will still do a background check on you.

Below are the other reasons that may cause your visa for Dubai to be rejected:

5. If you fill the application as an unskilled professional like a laborer, a farmer among others

6. If there are any major typing errors in your application

7. If your identity is misinterpreted in the application form

8. If two people have applied and have a similar details like the date of birth and names

9. If you did not clearly say the reason you are visiting Dubai in your form

10. If you had previously applied for visa but did not travel to Dubai and you have not cancelled the old visa

11. If you had applied for an employment visa in the past, did not enter Dubai for some reason and went ahead to apply for a new visa without cancelling the old visa

12. If you had a UAE resident visa, left the country without cancelling it and then try and apply for a new visa

Can we Reapply for Visa after Rejection?

If your visa application is rejected the immigration will most likely send you an email explaining the reasons your application was denied. You first need to understand the reasons that you are told and when you correct them, you can then think about reapplying for the visa afresh.

Depending on the type of visa you want, you will be told about the time you have to wait so that you can reapply for a visa. To avoid making errors in your application, you can look for a visa consultant like Arabiers, who will help you understand the reasons for rejection and also how to avoid them. They also go through your application to verify that it doesn’t have any errors left.

If you check everything and it is okay, you can submit the application and wait for an update after the processing time is over.

How to apply for visa to Dubai with Arabiers

If you want to enjoy a smooth visa process, you can try applying with Arabiers, who are qualified visa agents and consultancy.

 1.  First, reach out to the Arabiers team through WhatsApp or email and tell them your requirements or ask for advice about the type of visa you need

2.  Next, send us all the necessary documents so that we can verify to make sure they are correct and do not have typos

3.   After that, pay for the visa fees

4. Later we will help you fill the application form carefully

5.  After that we will submit the application on your behalf and wait for the visa to be processed

6. When it is ready we will finally send it to you


The visa to Dubai is usually an electronic type of visa so it will be sent to you through email or WhatsApp.

In most cases when the immigration rejects your application they will email you the reasons they rejected it and if not you can raise an appeal with the UAE High Commission who will confirm for you the reasons.

You will know that your visa is approved when you receive an email with the electronic visa.

A tourist visa for Dubai mostly takes 24 to 48 hours to be ready when you apply with Arabiers.