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UAE Golden visa for Creative people in the fields of Culture and Art A Girl Making Scetch Of A Person

UAE Golden visa for Creative people in the fields of Culture and Art

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Written By Arabiers Digital & Reviewed by Robeena Brown

18 July 2024 | 13 min read

If you are creative and talented in culture and arts, you may be eligible to apply for the UAE Golden visa for Creative people in the fields of culture and art. This visa permits you to stay in the UAE as a residence for up to 10 years. It also gives you a chance to continue growing your talent as you enrich the art and culture of the UAE.

In this guide we will look at this category of visa in detail and also talk about the eligibility criteria and types of creatives that are allowed in the UAE.

Who are the Creatives People in Art and Culture?

If you want to apply for a golden visa as an art and culture talent, you must be talented and outstanding in one of the following fields:

  • Visual arts like drawing, calligraphy, sculpture, handicrafts and photography
  • Publishing of arts like poetry, literature, criticism, translation and public knowledge
  • Performance arts like singing, music, theatrical performance, dance, films and cinema
  • Designs and crafts such as product design, clothes designing, graphic design, interior design, jewelry design and game design
  • Heritage design such as archaeology, museum organization, records management, restoration, collections management and library management
  • Electronic games and sports, including production of games, programming and games design
  • Media such as production, journalism, editing and publishing, photography and event management

What is the Eligibility Criteria?

The criteria to qualify for the golden visa under the arts and culture category differs according to different levels of talents. We will look at the different levels and the conditions you have to meet for each of them.


  • You should have received local or regional recognition because of the exceptional creative work you do.
  • You need to have earned a certificate of appreciation from a locally or regionally recognized entity in the creative field.
  • You should possess a nomination certificate for a popular local or regional award in the creative field.
  • You must be holding an honorary position from a locally or regionally recognized entity because of your achievements in a certain creative field.
  • Distinguished Professionals
  • You should be a professional with distinctive work in a creative and intellectual field
  • You need a minimum of five years’ experience working in the intellectual and creative field
  • You should own a creative work that has been published or distributed locally, regionally or internationally in the last three years
  • You own a creative work that has received recognition from the creative community
  • You have worked with well-known and reputable entities either locally, regionally or internationally such as festivals, exhibitions and forums
  • You should have received attention for your creative work from critics, media or specialized entities
  • You are an active member of a reputable international art organization or association

What Are The Requirements?

Below are the requirements to apply for a golden visa as an art and creative talent:

  • You need to have a portfolio or a CV that shows your experience and achievements in the field you have specialized in
  • Produce samples of creative work or evidence that shows your experience and achievements in a field
  • Proof that you have experience of 10 or more years in the specific field of specialization
  • Proof that you have done creative or cultural activities that have been noticed by critics, the media, Government or private institution in the UAE or internationally
  • You should have evidence that you have a sponsorship or grant in your field of specialization
  •  Evidence that you have receives an artistic, creative or cultural award, recognition or accreditation from a recognized body
  • Proof that you have produces artistic works that have been distributed locally or internationally
  • You need to proof that you are a member in an international or well-known organization or association in a field you have specialized in
  • You should have a recommendation letter from the m=Ministry of Culture and Youth or other legal authorities.